Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Hidden Answers to 1984 Essay Topics Prole Revealed
Hidden Answers to 1984 Essay Topics Prole Revealed The Benefits of 1984 Essay Topics Prole Periodic homework assignments and quizzes are a terrific method to encourage students to remain in addition to their assigned reading. So as to do a paper properly you have to keep a couple of things in mind which will be outlined below. Every individual is perpetually under surveillance. The guests meet at precisely the same time each week and at the identical place although a lot of them don't appear to enjoy it. You don't have to show your innocence to anybody if you're indeed innocent. After all, the perfect matter to concentrate on is not merely sufficiently complicated but also interesting enough. The truth will gradually be known, and it's truth that will set you free. Thus, begin with the principal idea as the introductory sentence. Another facet of the human condition is the quest for the significance of life. Within this sense their lives don't have any meaning. The idea of freedom can't be maintained as Winston and Julia are trying to define it. Keita's major motivation is survival. The Hidden Truth on 1984 Essay Topics Prole You don't need to have a registration which makes sense to everyone else. The money goes into his private account-corruption in the greater order. Typically when a vehicle is bought, it includes a registration number. For the huge windmills the very best choice to expand is offshore wind parks. Love is their biggest and just hope. The horse's story appears to have been told a lot of times inside this group. The Little Red Riding Hood story is one of the most popular fairy tales on earth. `To have the ability to see Nobody! Below are the key arguments for and against that are employed by men and women debating the matter of whether boxing ought to be banned. A few of the t ests are intended to be tougher than others. As soon as it's correct that most ideas can readily be transcribed from 1 language to another, there's no denying that some basic ideas are tough to communicate. The notion of people automatically saving photographic info in their heads may appear gullible, but the motivation of folks relying on photos to start looking into the way in which the world really is, is the demand for knowledge as a way to survive. You may want to maintain a dictionary handy! Besides analyzing lyrics, however, lots of the essays also analyze the total context and history of Metallica, and try to answer some of the more contentious points raised over recent years. The topics weren't inspiring excellent writing or thinking. Both of the other topics were rarely utilized. Hence, you will be able to produce a narrative that will quickly summarise the story in a quick essay. The novel has three key phases. The title is a bit ambiguous. Think about a few of your favourite science fiction and fantasy stories. All About 1984 Essay Topics Prole The Proles constitute the overwhelming bulk of the population of Oceania. 1984 paint a photo of totalitarianism today. Discuss the function of technology in Oceania. Or rather, the function of technology in Oceania and contradiction in the nation's governance. What You Need to Know About 1984 Essay Topics Prole Crime Fiction proved to be a popular genre on account of the way is served as a kind of escapism from the strain of the world wars. Reality is surely subverted. For instance, there is a real-life example of the Ministry of Truth. Class distinctions are among the worst dangers which were discussed in the novel. It's the barrenest of principles. It won't be hard to earn thesis statement once you've gone through the novel 1984 carefully.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
A Chore for Writing Evidence Idea Essay
<h1>A Chore for Writing Evidence Idea Essay</h1><p>If you need to excel with your composing profession and are searching for thoughts for events for composing proof, here are three things you can begin immediately. These have demonstrated themselves to be extraordinary for each writer.</p><p></p><p>* First, consider the subject of your composition. What amount of research do you need to do? Truly, this is the main thing any author should think about.</p><p></p><p>* Second, you should consider what is on your exposition point. At the end of the day, you should consider who you are writing to and what you are attempting to state to them.</p><p></p><p>* Third, you should comprehend what devices you have to include request to compose your article. For instance, much of the time, in the event that you need to include a few illustrations or sound records, you should realize where to discover them.< /p><p></p><p>If you need to be a sharp scientist, you ought to be exceptionally acquainted with the things you can peruse and utilize. You ought to likewise have the option to discover references. At the end of the day, you ought to consistently know where you are comparable to the primary subject of your postulation or thought essay.</p><p></p><p>If you need to be increasingly inventive, it is something you ought to consistently maintain on doing in control to get extraordinary motivation. In actuality, the best sources are books.</p><p></p><p>* Lastly, you should realize how to draft a paper. For this, you should examine various theory composing tests that have demonstrated to be fruitful. By realizing how to peruse and get writings, you will consistently have a thought on the most proficient method to structure your proposal or thought essay.</p><p></p><p>By knowing these, you will consis tently have an extraordinary chance to ensure that your composing vocation will consistently continue pushing ahead. All things considered, when an author can get motivation from perusing other extraordinary essayists, at that point the person can generally push ahead as a writer.</p>
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Odysseus Essay Thesis Example For Students
Odysseus Essay Thesis Outline1 Introduction2 Getting the Storyline Right3 So What Will You Choose As the Title of Your Essay?4 Additional Tips and Ideas That Will Make Your Essay Catch the Readers’ Attention5 Conclusion Introduction Writing a good Odysseus essay doesn’t have to be an uphill task as many students suppose. Nonetheless, that does not mean that it is a walk in the park. Often most students fail right off the bat by making some mistakes which are avoidable. The biggest mistake that can result in a terrible essay occurs when a student fails to fully understand the storyline before beginning to work on the essay. Since The Odyssey is considered to be relatively difficult to read even with a good translation, it means that anyone can easily fail to capture what was in the poets mind when writing the poem. It is imperative that you understand the following characteristics of the poem since they will help you in creating creative, unique and coherent essays: The plot/ storyline Character traits of all the characters and the roles they play in the poem Character analysis and how they affect the plot development The major themes in the poem Getting the Storyline Right Homer’s poem The Odyssey, is one of the greatest epic hero Greek poems of all times. It is considered one of Homers best works as documented in his biography. The plot of the poem is based on the aftermath of a war in Troy, the Trojan War. A story is then developed based on the plot focusing on Odysseus’s escapades as he travels from Troy to his home in Ithaka. Other primary characters used to develop the storyline include Athena and Penelope, his faithful wife. Throughout the storyline, the poet invokes the thoughts of the reader to judge whether Odysseus is not a hero because of some mistakes he makes. The journey takes more than twenty years, and throughout the journey, there are many challenges faced until finally, Odysseus arrives home. For example, in one scene on the Island of Lotus Eaters, Odysseus’ men are given some magical fruits which cause them to lose direction and become unfaithful to their mission.  Back home, his faithful wife Penelope misses him because of his prolonged absence. While she holds to the fact that his husband, Odysseus is alive, most people discourage him. The situation is so bad such that there are over one hundred suitors from Ithaka who are willing to marry her. Nonetheless, she remains firm to her decision and chooses not to be unfaithful to her husband, which would anger the gods. So What Will You Choose As the Title of Your Essay? Since most essay titles are open-ended in most poems, as a student, you have a free will of coming up with a title that you find interesting and can create relevant content. Some of the options you can consider as the main essay topic or subtitles are: Write a character analysis of one or more characters that you find interesting and worth discussing the poem. It is advisable to select one of the main characters who play a significant role in plot development. It can either be Odysseus himself, Penelope or Athena. If you choose to discuss a character/characters, you should aim to address how they contribute to the plot development. For instance, consider how Odysseus’s cleverness is depicted in the poem and its effects on the storyline. On the same note, you can write about the role of gods in the Odysseus and whether they were unfaithful or not. Base your essay on one or several themes that are prominent in the poem. For instance, you can opt to write on betrayal, vengeance, determination, hospitality or loyalty and unfaithful people. If you are not sure whether you will manage to reach the target word count, you can focus on a determination as a theme, since it is the overriding theme in the poem. Another interesting approach to the essay is to relate the poem to the contemporary world. The approach can be award-winning considering that the original poem was written back in 700BC. Wouldn’t a comparison of the way of life on the Island more than 2000 years ago with the modern era be interesting? You can spice it up by relating the experiences to yourself, or situations that you have encountered first hand. Additional Tips and Ideas That Will Make Your Essay Catch the Readers’ Attention To raise the quality of your essay a notch higher, you can think about the following: Consider the struggles that Odysseus faced as a symbolic representation of the struggles that we as human beings face as we strive to achieve our goals in life. Although there are a lot of supernatural powers such as the roles gods play in the storyline, the experiences faced by the characters are less the same as those faced by ordinary human beings. Some of the adventures on the island of Cyclops could be compared to our own experience to give the essay a unique twist. Have you ever taken any risks in a desperate attempt to get what you want or achieve a specific objective? Is there something or someone that you are willing to give your life for their sake? Do you ever face any obstacles in your life? How do you deal when such issues arise? How do the societies in the ancient Greek relate to those in the modern era? Are there gods in the contemporary world? Lastly, for those who have an in-depth understanding of the poem, you can base your essay on ironies cited in the essay. However, if you choose to focus your essay on the author’s writing style, you have to be cautious. The last thing any instructor wants is an essay which has been based on a wrong textual interpretation. A classic example of the instance mentioned above is to compare the reception Odysseus was given by the King and Queen, who were total strangers as compared to that which he received upon his arrival to Ithaka, his homeland. Similarly, you can present an argument as to whether you think finally Odysseus is not a hero because of one or two reasons from the poem. Conclusion Evidently, there are many approaches that one can take when writing the essay to make it captivating, yet remaining relevant to the context of the poem. To make coherent arguments, you should ensure that you have sufficient textual evidence from the poem with proper citations.
Importance of IT in Computer Gaming Industry
Question: Discuss about the Importance of IT in Computer Gaming Industry. Answer: Introduction With advancing techniques of business and systems, new methods are being implemented to further expand the business field with more effectiveness and popularity. The Information Technology or IT system have been developed and enhanced with time and have been applied by many commercial organizations for enhancement of their business (Balland, De Vaan and Boschma 2013). On the other hand, computing gaming industry is one of the rising businesses and has grown only in the last two decades. With upgradation of computer systems and improvement in game mechanics, graphics, gameplay and other factors, computer games are becoming more and more popular. However, the computer gaming industry would not have been successful without proper implementation of IT systems and techniques (Marchand and Hennig-Thurau 2013). The big gaming companies have successfully implemented IT systems in their business in order to enhance the sales of their products. Moreover, they developed new marketing strategies helped them gain extra profits from their sales. In this report, the application of Information Technology in gaming industry has been discussed along with all major and minor details and close analysis of some popular computer gaming companies. Information Technology in Computer Gaming Industry 1200 Importance of IT in Business With the increasing developments in business, new systems are introduced by business organizations for enhancing the business sales and increasing annual revenue. IT systems help the business organizations to build a marketing strategy, manage resources according to plans and designs and manage sales of products. In the computer games industry, application of IT in the business will enable the developers to gain more revenue from the sales and develop better marketing strategies (Morrow et al. 2016). The popular computer game companies have successfully implemented IT systems for enhancing their business. In addition to just sales of the gaming softwares, the companies release demo versions and trailers much before the original release date to attract more users to buy their product (Badcock et al. 2013). For instance, the most popular gaming company EA Sports release demo versions of the yearly FIFA installments two months prior to the release of the full version. This marketing str ategy helps them to gain more popularity and attract more games to buy the game. This marketing strategy as well as the storage and management of the business information of the company are done by the suitable IT system employed by the company (El-Nasr, Drachen and Canossa 2013). Importance of IT in Business Survival Few decades back, business could have easily survived without any implementation of IT system. However, with advancing business systems, implementation of IT is necessary for the survival of the companies, specially the large business organizations. With evolving business systems, the business organizations must implement IT systems in order to compete with the rival companies (Vogel 2014). IT implementation in business also allows the company to increase productivity, sales and profit from the market. Moreover, IT systems can be used for more efficient and accurate business operations as well as delivering more attractive products with the touch of technology. For instance, EA Sports and KONAMI are two gaming companies that both release yearly installments of popular football games. Now, in order to compete with each other, both of the companies have applied IT systems in their business. However, EA Sports has been able to implement more advanced IT system in its operations and busi ness structure. This is the main reason behind its more global popularity than KONAMI. On the other hand, KONAMIs implementation of IT system has allowed it to survive in the market and compete with its rival for a good amount of annual profit. Required Systems for Applying IT in Business There are several factors that must be analyzed and implemented before implementing IT system in business. These factors, in relation to computer games industry, are discussed as follows: Cost Analysis The company must analyze the costs that will be involved during implementation of IT. For computer games company, they must analyze costs of buying new systems, update existing softwares, total costs of developing a new game and its plug-ins and other related expenses (Bellotti et al. 2013). The total cost must be estimated before an IT system is implemented. Planning Use of IT in the course of the development of a game requires a lot of planning. Without suitable planning, the undertaken steps will have no particular objective and the whole project can be failure (Fromme and Unger 2012). Planning includes designing of a suitable business plan, making a proper marketing strategy that will enable the company to gain a large amount of market share and other factors. Designing In computer games industry, designing contains two parts. One is the designing of the gaming software and the other is the designing of marketing strategy. Design of gaming software should include an attractive interface, ease of use and features that will attract the users to buy the software (Deng et al. 2016). On the other hand, design of business strategy will include marketing strategies, release of demo r beta versions for user testing, trailers and others that will draw the interests of the customers and in this case, gamers. Installation and Training These include installation of suitable systems that would be able to support the softwares needed to design the gaming softwares. Training is essential for the newly hired employees that are new to the designing (Shaw and Barry 2015). Moreover, some training is also needed for existing employees to update them regarding the new upgraded systems. Use of IT in Business Computer games industry uses IT for different functions in the commercial set up. The employees of the company are software developers that develop the gaming softwares or software modifications and patches. Some other employees are entitled to deal with the marketing aspects of the company (Davenport 2013). The suppliers are entitled to manage the distribution of sales units to the customers. For gaming industry, the companies send their game discs to the online and normal retailers who sell the products to the customers (Schwalbe 2015). Since, none of the computer game companies have their own retail stores, they depend on the suppliers for their sales. Benefits and Advantages of IT in Business The benefits and advantages of IT in computer games business are as follows: IT system ensures the availability of latest technologies in the companys production unit. Designing and making a game uses a huge amount technical support if it is to attract interest of the customer. IT system ensures more efficient handling of the operations that are done using computing systems. IT system is more useful in designing new marketing strategies by analyzing general trend in the market and reduces the possibilities of manual errors. IT systems are more efficient in keeping track of expenses and sales records. Risks of IT in Business There are several risks related to IT systems in business. Some of these are as follows: Security and Privacy Threats Increasing dependence on computing systems increases the risks of security threats. With more network connections, risks of security threats and breach of privacy attacks increase (Tran, Le Ngoc Thanh and Phuong 2013). Unethical hackers and third party personnel from the rival companies use these connections to enter into the system of the company to access confidential information and marketing strategies. System Errors If error occurs in one system, the whole system shuts down. Development of one game involves use of all the systems at once and shut down of one system completely destroys the whole progress of the development (Venkatesh, Thong and Xu 2012). Maintenance and Monitoring of IT in Business Maintenance and monitoring of IT in business is necessary in order to keep track of the operations going on within the company. Maintenance of IT with business can be done by updating records based on the regular updates financial and business reports (El-Nasr, Drachen and Canossa 2013). Suitable changes can be made to the IT systems according to the demands as evident on the updated records. Moreover, changes can also be made by balancing regular statistics with the past statistics. For monitoring of IT systems, regular update system should be introduced from the IT maintenance department. The main objective of monitoring will be to analyze latest necessities of technology in the IT system (Tran, Le Ngoc Thanh and Phuong 2013). With suitable monitoring, requirements can be met by updating the systems with the latest technologies. Conclusion From the essay, it is clear IT system is an essential part in the computer games industry. With upgradation of computer systems and improvement in game mechanics, graphics, gameplay and other factors, computer games are becoming more and more popular. However, the computer gaming industry would not have been successful without proper implementation of IT systems and techniques. Few decades back, business could have easily survived without any implementation of IT system. However, with advancing business systems, implementation of IT is necessary for the survival of the companies, specially the large business organizations. With evolving business systems, the business organizations must implement IT systems in order to compete with the rival companies. IT implementation in business also allows the company to increase productivity, sales and profit from the market. Moreover, IT systems can be used for more efficient and accurate business operations as well as delivering more attractive products with the touch of technology. However, in addition to advantages and benefits, IT systems have their owns risks and threats as well that must be mitigated with proper planning in order to maintain the IT system in the company. Recommendations The recommendations for the computer game companies for more efficient use of IT system are follows: The companies should use more efficient IT systems by upgrading to the latest technologies and train the employees accordingly. The companies should advanced management for operations and storage of documents. Cloud computing is a technology to solve this problem. The companies should use suitable protection systems to protect and secure their critical IT information and strategies. The companies should use IT systems for producing best quality products in addition to designing of marketing strategies. References Badcock, N.A., Mousikou, P., Mahajan, Y., de Lissa, P., Thie, J. and McArthur, G., 2013. Validation of the Emotiv EPOC EEG gaming system for measuring research quality auditory ERPs.PeerJ,1, p.e38. Balland, P.A., De Vaan, M. and Boschma, R., 2013. The dynamics of interfirm networks along the industry life cycle: The case of the global video game industry, 19872007.Journal of Economic Geography,13(5), pp.741-765. Bellotti, F., Kapralos, B., Lee, K., Moreno-Ger, P. and Berta, R., 2013. Assessment in and of serious games: an overview.Advances in Human-Computer Interaction,2013, p.1. Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Deng, V.Y., Liao, P.C., Lin, R.J.R. and Nguyen, B.Q., International Business Machines Corporation, 2016.Ccomputer-implemented method for determining game mechanics in business process gamification. U.S. Patent 20,160,089,608. El-Nasr, M.S., Drachen, A. and Canossa, A., 2013.Game analytics: Maximizing the value of player data. Springer Science Business Media. Fromme, J. and Unger, A. eds., 2012.Computer games and new media cultures: A handbook of digital games studies. Springer Science Business Media. Marchand, A. and Hennig-Thurau, T., 2013. Value creation in the video game industry: Industry economics, consumer benefits, and research opportunities.Journal of Interactive Marketing,27(3), pp.141-157. Morrow, J.W., McAllister, L., Hein, M.A., White, W.R. and Luciano Jr, R.A., Bally Gaming, Inc., 2016.Universal game monitoring unit and system. U.S. Patent 9,235,955. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Shaw, W. and Barry, V., 2015.Moral issues in business. Cengage Learning. Tran, S.T., Le Ngoc Thanh, N.Q.B. and Phuong, D.B., 2013. Introduction to information technology. InProc. of the 9th inter. CDIO conf.(CDIO). Venkatesh, V., Thong, J.Y. and Xu, X., 2012. Consumer acceptance and use of information technology: extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology.MIS quarterly,36(1), pp.157-178. Vogel, H.L., 2014.Entertainment industry economics: A guide for financial analysis. Cambridge University Press.
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